Monday, May 12, 2008

Watch where you put your duct tape!

I took this photo on my parents porch where a bird had made it's nest on top of a roll of duct tape that was placed on top of a light fixture. There are two unhatched eggs and two tiny baby birds that are hard to identify. They are so young they haven't even started chirping yet. The neighbor's cat is after them so let's hope they make it! Maybe I will get another photo when they are a bit cuter. Pin It


Unknown said...

Hi, very interesting your photos and the blog...

My name is Jorge Maturana, from Santiago de Chile, South America,
and I am Graphic Design.

Congratulations for you blog!
sorry for my English...

ckitout said...

How very interesting -- duct tape can be used for anything -- even a birdhouse!!! Hope you get more shots of this!!