Friday, August 1, 2008

We made it to the top!

Joel and I on our 7 and a half mile hike to camp.
Garnet Canyon
The guys filtering our drinking water from the glacier runoff
Taking a much needed break on the hike up to the saddle
Middle Teton glacier
That's me climbing to the top of a chimney on the Grand
Shadow of the Grand
Highest point on Grand Teton - the summit marker
Way off in the distance you can see the parking lot we started from. Also note the Snake River.
We both made it!
Eating a snack at 13,770 feet
Happy to be there!
Our team: Geoff, Joel, Me, Cara (our guide)
My 120 ft. rappel down Grand Teton. Look really really close at the top.
Finally down climbing back to camp. Notice the tents in the saddle. We slept 13 deep.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are great pictures - congratulations!

I remember Snake River from Oregon Trail. You had to change the disk to Side B around there.