Friday, February 27, 2009

Girl with a pearl oyster

Tonight I had a great dinner with Joel, Ann and Mark at Lovoys. It was Joel's birthday meal and he wanted an appetizer of baked oysters, the house specialty. He only ordered a half dozen but they were huge! I sampled one and then he offered me another and I refused. He put another on my plate anyway and of course I began to eat it. Suddenly, I bit into something that wasn't at all edible. I tried to spit it out quietly and politely, not realizing what it was. A PEARL! It doesn't look like the kind you would wear on a necklace, mostly because it is misshapen and discolored but still a huge pearl! Tonight I read that pearls from edible oysters are not worth much especially after they are cooked (noticed the dark coloration) but either way I feel lucky. I could count the times I have had oysters on one hand. Pin It

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