Friday, August 15, 2008

Men próp sove lavi

My awesome friend, Olivia, just returned from spending the summer in Haiti. She worked to educate the people there to wash their hands and also did valuable research for UAB. I am so proud of her and so glad she is back safely! Before she left, she asked me to design a t-shirt to give to the participants of the surveys. I was honored to be involved and came up with the design above. It is in Haitian Creole but translates to 'Clean hands save lives' and 'Handwashing is the 20 second solution to protecting yourself from many diseases. So remember: Use soap, wash often, wash long enough.' That concept is so simple to us but it is amazing how much it will help those people. Olivia said she and her project partner carried all those t-shirts with them in their luggage along with as many bars of soap as they could manage. It was so cool to see this picture (and all her other photos as well) of all the people holding their new shirts and I thought I would share it. Pin It

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So very cool! You did a great job!!