Monday, July 14, 2008

He(ART) Project

This year I am participating in the American Heart Association Charity He(ART) Auction for the first time. I was given a 4 ft. piece of plywood, pre-cut to the shape of a heart, and allowed to do whatever I want to it. I decided to paint a peacock because it is a beautiful symbolic creature and makes for uplifting subject matter. The materials used are acrylics, modeling paste, powdered pigments and real peacock feathers. Overall, I am happy with the result but hopefully I will have more photos to come when it goes to the art show next month. I am sure there will be many wonderful hearts on display from local artists all around Birmingham. Let's hope they raise a lot of money for a good cause! Pin It

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Jess.. that is amazihng!!! I would totally buy your cock!